Our mission statement
“The mission of the Research on Assessment and Intervention to Support Equity Lab is the empirical pursuit of evidence-based practices for the promotion of socio-emotional and academic outcomes for all children. Infused within all of our work is the advancement of social justice, leadership development, and focus on systemic change processes.” Lab Manual
Current Projects
A National Center for School Mental Health
In partnership with the University of Wisconsin
The mission of the School Mental Health Collaborative (SMHC) is to facilitate and promote access to high-quality, evidence-based, school mental assessments and interventions. The SMHC will develop a national, interconnected network of researchers, practitioners, and family and youth advocates over the next 3-5 years focusing on:
- Reviewing and disseminating evidence-based school mental health interventions and assessment tools via a freely accessible online platform (akin to a ‘What Works Clearinghouse’).
- Developing consumable evidence briefs and blueprints that will serve as effective catalysts to guide advocacy and inform school mental health policy and practice.
- Developing school-university research partnerships that include expert technical assistance to facilitate essential implementation processes and provide program evaluation expertise.
We are currently developing our scope and mission of the center, as well as individual, transdisciplinary research hubs at both the University of South Florida and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Access our implementation guide for Universal Screening Here.
Multi-informant Decisional Assessment System
Project MIDAS (Multi-Informant Decisional Assessment System) is a four year, 2-million-dollar grant funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The project focuses on the development and validation a multi-informant decisional assessment system that integrates and utilizes multiple sources of data for accurate and efficient identification of social-emotional and behavioral needs in middle school students. Project MIDAS is currently working with multiple middle schools across two states.
Mental Health Evaluation, Training, Research, and Innovation Center for Schools
METRICS supports federally-funded grantees who are dedicated to addressing the national shortage of school-based mental health practitioners. These grantees received funding from the US Department of Education for either a School Based Mental Health Services (SBMH) or a Mental Health Service Professional (MHSP) project to recruit, train, and retain a strong mental health workforce in our K-12 schools across the country. METRICS disseminates best-practice resources, provides individual grant assistance, and helps grantees ensure that they are meeting their targets, so that these grantees can continually improve as they grow the next generation of school-based mental health practitioners. More information about METRICS can be found on our website: metricscenter.org
ADVICE Project
Assessment Decision-Making and Evaluating Intervention Cost Effectiveness
Funded by the William T. Grant Foundation, the ADVICE project is focused on the implementation of a discrete event simulation (DES) web-based model to support decision-making and implementation of evidence-based mental and behavioral health supports. This 3 year study will include interviews and focus groups to examine school-based decision makers' (a) experiences and knowledge of mental health interventions and assessments, (b) identification and/or referral processes for students with mental health concerns, (c) perceived effectiveness of mental health interventions in schools, and (d) personal or environmental barriers to using evidence-based interventions and assessments. Additionally, school-based decision-makers (i.e., principals, administration) will be shown the DES software's purpose, how to select assessments and treatments, and how to run the simulation to predict student outcomes.
Project SAFETY-2
In partnership with: Hillsborough County Public Schools
The SAFETY-2 (School Assessments for Evaluation of Threat to Youth) Project is a collaborative grant-funded project between Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) and the University of South Florida. Funded by a STOP School Violence Grant by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), this project is centered around a coaching and technical assistance model with the primary goal of expanding the adoption of best practices in threat assessment and violence prevention. This comprehensive approach encompasses the provision of trauma-informed training, as well as the adaptation and implementation of the Practice-Based Coaching (PBC) Model specifically tailored for threat assessment teams.
Project SMARTS
School Mental Health Assessment Response and Training for Suicide Prevention
Funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Project Florida SMARTS is a prevention model aimed at facilitating youth suicide prevention and early intervention strategies through a multi-system and interconnected approach across multiple delivery systems of care (i.e., partnerships between middle/high schools and community behavioral health agencies). Currently, the state of Florida demonstrates significant shortages in school-based mental health professionals to meet the intensive individualized needs of students who have already been identified with significant risk. This innovative model aims to reduce rising suicide rates, decrease risk for mental health concerns and build a sustainable prevention framework for continued provision of services in Florida school systems.
Identifying Behavior Growth Indicators and Need
The innovative I-BEGIN Project is funded through the Institute of Education Sciences and seeks to develop and validate a novel social, academic, and emotional behavioral health screener for early childhood. Through the creation and integration of an online, application-based universal screening system, children aged 3-5 will have access to early intervention services to meet their social-emotional needs. This project is meets the overarching goal of working towards preventative services for all youth. To increase applicability and meet the needs of a diverse student population, the screener and screening system will be developed and validated in both English and Spanish.
Completed Projects
The Begin Well Project
Funded by the Caplan Foundation
The Begin Well Project aims to improve early childhood outcomes via professional development for parents and educators of children between 3 to 5 years old. We will provide learning modules, assessments, and resources that increase knowledge and skills in risk identification, create lasting knowledge, and foster early intervention and prevention.
Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Test Anxiety Instrument
In partnership with: Dr. David Putwain at Liverpool John Moores University
The purpose of this research project is to develop a new test anxiety scale. This scale uses a multidimensional approach to identifying test anxiety (physiological, emotional, and social), and specifies temporality (anxiety before, during, after the test) to facilitate evidence-based intervention. The new test anxiety instrument provides valuable data on when and how to intervene for test anxiety. Collaboration is ongoing with partners in England to further develop and refine the scale.
A project supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
In partnership with: Pasco County Public Schools
Project PROMOTE (Providing Research-based training On Mental health for Organizations, Teachers, and Educators) is a three-year project funded by SAMHSA that trains middle school teachers in Pasco County to identify mental and behavioral health risk in the classroom. The project utilizes Youth Mental Health First Aid, paired with training in universal screening and verbal de-escalation to improve the assessment to intervention process.
Meet Our lab members
Dr. Nate von der Embse
Professor of School Psychology
Co-Director, School Mental Health Collaborative | natev@usf.eduDr. Nate von der Embse is a professor of school psychology at the University of South Florida and chair of the National Association of School Psychologists Government and Professional Relations Workgroup (NASP GPR). Nate utilizes a social justice framework to examine the intersection of education policy and school mental health. His research improves educational decision-making by identifying the influence of external policies and contextual drivers while developing novel solutions to improve the selection and use of preventative school mental health assessments and interventions. The research program includes:
(1) An examination of external accountability policies on student and teacher emotional wellbeing, and instructional practices;
(2) The development of efficient decision-making tools including universal screening and progress monitoring measures;
(3) The creation of decision-making models including teacher training in assessment use and data interpretation, multi-informant decision-making algorithms, and discrete event simulations.
Nate completed his educational specialist degree in school psychology from Miami (OH) University and a school-based internship in the Hamilton City School District. He then received his Ph.D. from the school psychology program at Michigan State University with a specialization in educational policy analysis. He completed an APA/APPIC pre-doctoral internship at Boys Town Center for Behavioral Health in Omaha, NE. In his role with NASP GPR, Nate has presented to state school psychological associations, conducted advocacy trainings, and collaborated with state and federal elected officials on legislation. He has served as principal investigator, senior study personnel, co-principal investigator, and project evaluator on funded research from the Institute for Educational Sciences, Scattergood Foundation, Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Society for the Study of School Psychology. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of School Psychology. Nate lives in Tampa with his wife Meghan, son Quintin, and daughter Ava. Nate enjoys traveling, college basketball, micro breweries, and sarcasm.Joseph Latimer, Ph.D., NCSP
Assistant Research Professor | latimer1@usf.edu
Dr. Latimer is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). His educational journey began at the University of Wisconsin: Eau-Claire by earning a Bachelor of Science (B.A.) in Psychology with an emphasis in special education. After that, Dr. Latimer completed his graduate training in the School Psychology program at the University of South Florida (USF). He then spent time working a school psychologist intern within Pinellas County Schools in St. Petersburg, Florida. He currently serves as the postdoctoral research fellow on Project MIDAS, which is a federally funded research grant that focuses on the development and validation a multi-informant decisional assessment system to integrate and use multiple sources of data for accurate and efficient identification of social-emotional and behavioral (SEB) concerns. Dr. Latimer’s roles and responsibilities include supervision of graduate students, leading submission of grants to foundations and agencies, providing technical assistance to school district partners, and developing resources for training and dissemination. Dr. Latimer’s research interests focus on integrating multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), educational leadership and system change when addressing students’ social, emotional, and behavioral concerns. During his free time, Joe enjoys hanging out by the pool, reading, or trying new restaurants.
Lab Subrgoups:
Project MIDAS
DES Project
"The RAISE Lab is a wonderful environment full hard-working people and innovative ideas. For this school year, I am very excited to see not only the progress across multiple grant-related activities but the progress of all lab members."
Tameisha Hinton, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow | tshinton@usf.edu
Dr. Tameisha Hinton earned her doctorate in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology with a specialization in School Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). She is also a proud alumna of Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU), a Historically Black College/University (HBCU) located in Tallahassee, Florida, where she earned her B.S. in psychology and M.S. in community psychology. Through a breadth of professional experiences, Dr. Hinton has provided educational and counseling services to both children and young adults across different contexts including K-12 schools, community mental health clinics, and university counseling centers. Prior to transitioning to Tampa, Florida, she served as a predoctoral school psychology intern at Guilford County Schools Psychological Services Department in Greensboro, North Carolina. Currently, Dr. Hinton is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of South Florida (USF) and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). Specifically, she serves in a leadership capacity for Project SAFETY-2, which is a federally funded grant to provide technical assistance related to school safety and violence prevention in partnership with a local school district. Dr. Hinton’s interest in prevention and intervention in addition to advocacy in education and mental health, collaboration, cultural responsiveness, and increased representation in psychology, align with the values demonstrated within the RAISE lab. She is grateful to be a part of this USF team and has been enjoying local outdoor events, farmers markets, sports bars (and frequent HomeGoods visits) since moving to the Tampa Bay Area.
Lab Subgroups:
Project SAFETY-2
Whitney Yoder, MSc
Quality Assurance Manager | wryoder@usf.edu
Whitney currently serves as the Quality Assurance Manager for Project SAFETY-2 and supports Project METRICS. Whitney received her B.S. at Baldwin Wallace University, Psychology/Statistics in 2014, and completed an MSc degree at Utrecht University, Methodology & Statistics for the Biomedical, Behavioral, & Social Sciences in 2017. Whitney's research interests include research integrity, RCT methodology, toxic stress, patient-reported outcomes, and psychometrics & assessment. Whitney is excited to be a part of the lab due to the inspiring group culture and the drive to make a direct impact in our local school districts, students, and beyond. During her free time, Whitney enjoys playing tennis, thrifting, and paddle boarding.
Lab Subgroups:
Project SAFETY-2
Alton Honors II, M.S.
Project Director | altonh@usf.edu
Alton Honors II is a certified school counselor in the state of Florida. He earned his B.A. in psychology from Piedmont College in Demorest, Georgia. He then earned his master’s in clinical counseling at Breanu University in Gainesville, Georgia. His internships included working with victims of abuse, performing psychological educational evaluations, and one-on-one clinical therapy. During his time at Brenau, he also conducted research centered around African American student’s success in higher education. After graduating, Alton pursued a career in education by becoming a school counselor. As a school counselor, he served The Diocese of St. Petersburg and Lee County Public Schools. Currently, Alton is the Project Director for Project SMARTS, which is a SAMHSA-funded innovative suicide prevention grant aimed at reducing youth suicide in middle school students. This project also aims to build the knowledge and skills of school personnel and community providers to identify suicidal warning signs and risks within students. In his free time, Alton likes to play basketball competitively, golf, read comics, and play video games.
Lab Subgroups:
Project SMARTS
Qunshan Zheng, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor | qunshanzheng@usf.edu
Dr. Qunshan Zheng joined the University of South Florida as an assistant research professor in 2024. She is the project director for the IES-funded research project, "Development and Validation of a Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Risk Screener for Early Childhood." She earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Florida. She has a background in special education, early childhood studies, and research evaluation and methodology. Her research interests primarily focused on supporting caregivers and early childhood education and early intervention practitioners in using evidence-based practices, self-determination skills of young children, and assessment and related measurement considerations in the early childhood and special education field. Before joining USF, she was a post-doctoral associate at the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies at UF.
Lab Subgroups:
Project I-BEGIN
Caroline Mierzwa, M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | carolinemierzwa@usf.edu
Caroline Mierzwa is a fourth-year doctoral candidate in the School Psychology program from Big Sur, CA. She completed a B.S. in Psychological and Brain Sciences with a double minor in Education and Applied Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2020. She is also in the process of completing her BCBA certification under the supervision of Dr. Evan Dart. Her research interests include school climate, school connectedness, behavioral threat assessment, suicide prevention, and consultation to promote systems change. Projects Caroline has worked on in the RAISE lab include her thesis: Comparing the Effects of the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines Training Workshop: Online vs. In-Person. Caroline enjoys participating in the lab due to the opportuntieis to engage and collaborate with school districts, students, and district leadership. She also appreciates the emphasis on dissemination efforts as a lab, to share the work we do (e.g., conference presentations, publications). During her free time, Caroline enjoys spending time with her friends, trying new restaurants, and cooking.
Lab Subgroups
Project SAFETY-2
Project SMARTS
Thomas Koza, M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | tkoza@usf.edu
Tom is a fourth-year doctoral candidate in the School Psychology program from Downers Grove, Illinois. Tom earned his bachelor's degree in Psychology from Lewis University in 2020. After graduating, he volunteered as a research assistant at the Culture and Evidence-Based Practice lab at DePaul University and worked as a Behavioral Health Associate at Linden Oaks Behavioral Health. His research interests include school-based mental health interventions and universal screening measures. During his free time, he enjoys outdoor activities such as scuba diving, kayaking, and going to the beach.
Lab Subgroups:
Project MIDAS
Project SMARTS
Teaching Assistant
Samin Khallaghi, M.A.
Graduate Student Volunteer | skhallaghi@usf.edu
Samin is a fourth-year doctoral candidate in the School Psychology Program. She also attended the University of South Florida for her undergraduate and majored in psychology. Samin's research interests include early childhood risk identification and resilience in relation to mental health stigma. Projects Samin has worked on in relation to the RAISE lab activities include her current thesis focused on diverse educator and caregiver perceptions of Project Begin Well: A risk identification course. Samin enjoys participating in the RAISE lab because of the versatility of the projects, the sense of community and bond this lab has, the didactics it provides. She particularly loves that members can target their experiences in the lab to their future career goals (e.g. grant writing). In her free time, Samin enjoys playing piano, going to concerts, and going to the beach.
Lab Subgroups:
Project I-BEGIN
Teaching Assistant
Caleb Edney, M.A.
Lab Manager, Graduate Research Assistant | edneyc@usf.edu
Caleb is a third-year graduate student in the USF School Psychology Program. He attended the University of South Florida to complete his Bachelor's degree in Psychology, graduating in 2022. Caleb participated in the RAISE lab during his undergraduate studies and is now excited to continue work as a graduate research assistant. Caleb is looking forward to opportunities to gain experience in a variety of professional settings, work with key partners in multiple relevant contexts, and build a strong research foundation. In his free time, Caleb enjoys playing sports, going for runs through campus, and game nights with extended family in the area.
Lab Subgroups:
Project MIDAS
Project I-BEGIN
Melissa Brown, B.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | melissabrown@usf.edu
Melissa is a second-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from the University of Arkansas in 2023 with a B.A. in Psychology. Melissa's research interests include school-based mental health services, multi-informant universal screening, and integrating new technology in school-based services. She is excited about the work in this lab because of the abundance of opportunities for personal and professional development and the innovative and cutting-edge research produced. In her free time, Melissa enjoys thrifting, trying new restaurants, pickleball, and rescuing stray kitties around Tampa.
Lab Subgroups:
Project SMARTS
Project MIDAS
"I am a huge advocate for expanding our field so I am more than happy to be reached out to by email for anyone interested in the program or lab"
Georgia Capobianco, B.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | georgiacapobianco@usf.edu
Georgia is a second-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from the University of Connecticut with a B.A in Psychological Sciences in 2023. Georgia's research interests include suicide prevention, crisis response, behavior interventions, and mental health. She is excited about the work in this lab because she enjoys getting to work with a group of people who are passionate and knowledgeable about the work we're doing. In her free time, Georgia enjoys walking her dog, trying new food places, and spending time with her new friends here!
Lab Subgroups:
Project SMARTS
Yolanda Rotzinger Ballesteros , M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | yr44@usf.edu
Yolanda is a second-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from Lindenwood University, with a B.S. in Exercise Science in 2018. She then completed her M.A. in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Texas in 2022. Her current research interests include youth mental health, social-emotional learning, school climate and safety, and caregiver and parental involvement. She is excited to work in this lab because of the opportunities it offers for collaboration with schools and mental health clinicians, contributions to the development of trainings, active involvement in community outrearch initiatives, and being able to explore various research interests. During her free time, she enjoys playing golf, yoga, and engaging in outdoor activities
Lab Subgroups:
Project SAFETY-2
Project I-BEGIN
Courtney Green , M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | cgreen22@usf.edu
Courtney is a second-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from Jacksonville University with a B.S. in both Psychology and Secondary Education in 2023. Her current research interests include pediatric school psychology, interdisciplinary collaboration, supportign students with traumatic brain injuries, and student-athlete wellness. She is excited to work in this lab because of the opportunities it offers for collaboration with other students, as well as personal and professional development. During her free time, she enjoys running, going to the beach, watching soccer, and trying new restaurants.
Lab Subgroups:
DES Project
Alyssa Howitt , M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | alyssahowitt@usf.edu
Alyssa is a second-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from the University of Florida with a B.S. in both Psychology and Political Science in 2023. Her current research interests include school safety, systems change, and school-based mental health. She is excited to work in this lab because of the opportunities it offers to create real change for local school districts and to be involved in systems change within education. During her free time, she enjoys reading, painting, and watching reality TV.
Lab Subgroups:
Project SAFETY-2
Kaitlyn Biery, B.S.
Graduate Research Assistant | kaitlynbiery@usf.edu
Kaitlyn is a first-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from the University of Miami with a B.S. in both Psychology and Public Health in 2024. Her current research interests include behavioral interventions and school-based mental health. She is excited to work in this lab because of the opportunities offered to learn alongside passionate mental health professionals and be a part of many large and exciting projects centered around improving mental health and wellbeing. During her free time, she enjoys cooking, going to the beach, and exploring Tampa with friends.
Lab Subgroups:
Project SMARTS
Taylor Ringler, B.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | tringler@usf.edu
Taylor is a first-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2024 with a major in Psychology and minors in Spanish and Sociology. Her current research interests include behavioral culturally competent interventions and supporting dual-language learners. She is excited to work in this lab on the Early Childhood project, assisting in developing assessment items in both English and Spanish to increase accessiblity. During her free time, she loves to train her dog and go to the beach, specifically playing beach volleyball.
Lab Subgroups:
Project I-BEGIN
Isabella Espino, B.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | iespino@usf.edu
Isabella is a first-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from Rollins College in 2024 with a major in Psychology. Her current research interests include resilience in childhood, threat assessment, and social-emotional development. She is excited to work in this lab on Project SAFETY-2 learning about threat assessment under Dr. Tameisha Hinton and her fellow grad assistants, expanding her skills. During her free time, she likes to go for walks, bake, and read a good book.
Lab Subgroups:
Project SAFETY-2
Margo Rizkallah, B.A.
Graduate Research Assistant | margorizkallah@usf.edu
Margo is a first-year graduate student in the School Psychology Program at USF. She graduated from the University of Padua in 2022 with a major in Psychological Science. Her current research interests include behavioral interventions and early childhood assessment. She is excited to work in this lab on Project SEB-EC, gain more research experience, and learn from her peers. During her free time, she likes to read, travel, and do pilates.
Lab Subgroups:
Project I-BEGIN
Rishidhar Reddy Garlapati, B.E.
Graduate Research Assistant | rgarlapati@usf.edu
Rishidhar is a graduate student pursuing Computer Science at USF. He graduated in 2021 from Sathyabama University in Chennai, India, with a degree in Computer Science Engineering. His current research interests include mental health and integrating technology in everyday life. He is excited to work in this lab due to the adility to express his interests and opinions . During her free time, she likes to read, travel, and do pilates.
Lab Subgroups:
Project DES
Project SAFETY-2
Sanjana Sudheendra Ashtaputre, B.E.
Graduate Research Assistant | rgarlapati@usf.edu
Sanjana is a graduate student pursuing Computer Science at USF. She graduated in 2021 from KLE Technological Institute in India. Her current research interests include deep learning, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. She is excited to work in this lab due to it being a great team to collaborate with and the available workspace environment. During her free time, she likes to sing, sketch, code, read, and cook a good meal.
Lab Subgroups:
Project I-BEGIN
Presentations and Publications
We strive to disseminate our research so that our efforts can inform future research and practice towards improvement of socio-emotional and academic outcomes for all children.
Recent Publications (student denoted by *):
von der Embse, N., Kim, E. *Ross, D., Kilgus, S., & *Koza, T. (2023). Multi-informant assessment of internalizing concerns: Rater concordance and implications for decision-making. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 45(1), 234-236.
*Drymond, M., *Sanchez, A., von der Embse, N., *Francis, G., *Ross, D., & *Khallaghi, S. (2022). Universal screening in early childhood populations: A systematic review. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education.
*Ross, D., von der Embse, N., *Andrews, J.L., McCullough Headley, M. & *Mierzwa, C. (2022). A systematic review of threat assessment in K-12 schools: Adult and child outcomes. Journal of School Violence. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/15388220.2022.2108434
*Sanchez, A., *Latimer, J., *Scarimbolo, K., von der Embse, N. P., Suldo, S., & *Salvatore, C., (2021). Youth Mental Health First Aid (Y-MHFA) trainings for Educators: A Systematic Review. School Mental Health
von der Embse, N. P., Putwain, D. W., & *Francis, G. (2021). Interpretation and use of the Multidimensional Test Anxiety Scale (MTAS). School Psychology, 36(2), 86-96. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000427
von der Embse, N.P., Kilgus, S.P., Eklund, K., *Zahn, M., *Peet, C., & *Durango, S. (2021). Promoting effective decision-making: Training educators to collect and use social-emotional skill assessment data. School Psychology Review.
von der Embse, N., Kim, E., *Jenkins, A., *Sanchez, A., Kilgus, S., & Eklund, K. (2021). Profiles of rater dis/agreement within the universal screening in predicting distal outcomes. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1-14.
2025 Presentations
Latimer, J., *Koza, T., *Edney, C., *Ross, D., *Venetto, A., & von der Embse, N. (2025, February). Exploring multi-informant assessment for universal screening [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.
Latimer, J., *Brown, M., *Venetto, A., *Capobianco, G., Edney,C., von der Embse, N., & Renstrom, V. (2025, February). Trials of Tier II academic and behavioral intervention implementation [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.
2024 Presentations
Latimer, J., *Koza, T., & *Edney, C. (2024, March). Integrating multi-informant universal screening within PBS [Paper Presentation]. Association for Positive Behavior and Support, Chicago, IL.
*Edney,C., *Khallaghi, S., & Welliver, M. (2024, February) Risk identification training for early childhood educators and caregivers [Poster Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
Latimer, J., *Braunstein, B., Welliver, M., Edney, C., & von der Embse, N. (2024, February). Measuring resilience in schools [Poster Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.2023 Presentations
von der Embse, N., *Hines, D., *Koza, T., *Khallaghi, S. (February 2023). Aligning school mental health interventions with discrete event simulation. [Poster presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Denver, CO.
*Khallaghi, S., *Francis, G., *Hines, D., *Ross, D. (February 2023). Risk identification training for early childhood educators and caregivers. [Poster presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Denver, CO.
*Mierzwa, C., *Ross, D., *Budzisch, B., *Andrews, J., *Cole, A., & von der Embse, N. (2023, February 9). Promoting school safety through a trauma informed lens. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Denver, CO, United States.
*Hines, D., *Koza, T., *Khallaghi, S., von der Embse, N. (February 2023) School-based selection of social-emotional behavioral supports, barriers, facilitators. [Poster Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Denver CO.
*Cole, A., *Mierzwa, C., Shum, K., *Ross, D., *Andrews, J., & von der Embse, N. (2023, February 7). What’s next – Postvention plans following threat assessment. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Denver, CO, United States.
*Ross, D., *Andrews, J., *Mierzwa, C., *Cole, A., & von der Embse, N. (2023, February 10). Threats to school safety: Examining community factors and threat assessment. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Denver, CO, United States.
Latimer, J., von der Embse, N., *Koza, T., *Mierzwa, C. (2023, February 9). Screen to intervene: Universal and supplemental mental health supports. [Mini-skills presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Denver, CO, United States.
Latimer, J., von der Embse, N., *Koza, T.,*Mierzwa, C. (2023, February 7). Legal Considerations for Universal Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Denver, CO, United States.
*Hines, D. & von der Embse, N. (March 2023) Aligning PBIS and Mental Health Supports with Discrete Event Simulation. Oral Presentation at the annual Association of Positive Behavioral Supports, Jacksonville, FL.
Latimer, J., *Koza T., Welliver M., *Edney C., *Ross D., *Venetto A., (2023, March 22). Project M.I.D.A.S: Development of a Multi-Informant Decisional Assessment System. University of South Florida 2023 Annual Postdoc Research Symposium, Tampa , FL, United States.
Perez-Binder, D., *Mierzwa, C., *Ross, D., *Cole, A., Shum. K. Z. (2023, July 10 & 11). Practice-Based Coaching for Threat Assessment Teams. [Invited presentation/training]. University of South Florida. Tampa, FL, United States.
Welliver, M., *Khallaghi, S., *Francis, G., von der Embse, N. (August 2023). Risk Identification Training for Early Childhood Educators and Caregivers. Poster Presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Division 16, Washington D.C.
Latimer, J., Welliver M., *Koza T., (2023, August 22). Universal Screening & Project MIDAS (Multi-informant Decisions Assessment System for Schools). [Invited presentation]. Pinellas Prepatory Academy St. Petersburg, FL. United States.
Latimer, J., von der Embse, N. (2023, September 22). Screen to Intervene: Data-driven PBS and Mental Health Integration [Invited Conference Speaker]. Montana Association of School Psychologists (MASP) 2023 Conference, Helena, MT, United States.
*Edney, C., *Khallaghi, S., Welliver, M., *Hines, D. (November 2023). Project Begin Well: Supporting Healthy Development in Early Childhood. Paper presented at the Florida Association of School Psychologists (FASP) Annual Convention, St. Petersburg, FL.
*Mierzwa, C., *Ross, D. & *Cole, A. (2023, November 2). Developing a coaching model for threat assessment teams [Paper presentation]. Florida Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. St. Petersburg, FL, United States.
2022 Presentations
*Francis, G., von der Embse, N., *Ross, D., *Mennes, H., *Khallaghi, S. (2022, February). Development of a Risk Identification Training for Early Childhood Educators. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
*Mierzwa, C., *Shuman, T., *Andrews, J., Headley, M., & von der Embse, N. (2022, February 16). School Climate and School Connectedness in Relation to Threat Assessment. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Boston, MA, United States.
*Ross, D., *Andrews, J., *Mierzwa, C., & von der Embse, N. (2022, February 17). Mitigating Threats of School Violence: What Do We Know? [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Boston, MA, United States.
*Hines, D., *Koza, T., *Khallaghi, S. (November 2022) School Based Selection of Mental & Behavioral Supports, Barriers, and Facilitators. Paper Presentation at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of School Psychologists, Daytona Beach, Fl.
*Salvatore, C., *Francis, G., *Sanchez, A., *Graff, T., & von der Embse (2022, February). Building Sustainability During Uncertain Times [Poster presentation]. 2022 National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Boston, MA.
*Francis, G., *Mennes, H., *Ross, D., *Khallaghi, S., & von der Embse (2022, February). Risk in Early Childhood: What Can We Do About It [Poster presentation]. 2022 National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Boston, MA.
Additional Publications and Presentations (student denoted by *):
Kilgus, S. P., Bonifay W., Eklund, K., von der Embse, N. P., *Meyer, L. N., *Zahn, M., & *Peet, C. (2020). Development and Validation of the Intervention Skills Profile-Skills: A Brief Measure of Student Social-Emotional and Academic Enabling Skills. Journal of School Psychology.
Kilgus, S. P., Maggin, D. M., Eklund, K., von der Embse, N. P., *Meyer, L. N., *Zahn, M., & *Peet, C. (2020). Treatment utility of the Intervention Selection Profile–Function: A single-case design study. Remedial and Special Education; Registered Report.
Putwain, D.W., von der Embse, N.P., *Rainbird, E., & *West, G. (2020). The development and validation of a new Multidimensional Test Anxiety Scale (MTAS). European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
*Sanchez, A., *Latimer, J., von der Embse, N., Suldo, S., *Scarimbolo, K., & *Salvatore, C. (2020). Youth Mental Health First Aid (Y-MHFA) trainings for educators: A systematic review. School Mental Health, 1-12.
von der Embse, N.P., *Jenkins, A., *West, G., Eklund, K., Kilgus, S. P., & *Morgan, M. (2020). Comparing teacher and student report of behavioral risk in predicting elementary student math outcomes. Assessment for Effective Intervention. doi: 10.1177/1534508419885016.
*Moulton, S., von der Embse, N.P., Kilgus, S., & *Drymond, M. (2019). Building a better behavior progress monitoring tool with item response theory and change sensitivity analyses. School Psychology, 34 (6), 695-705. doi: 10.1037/spq0000334
Kilgus, S. P., von der Embse, N.P., Eklund, K., *Izumi, J., *Peet, C., *Meyer, L., & *Taylor, C. (2019). Reliability, validity, and accuracy of the Intervention Selection Profile–Function: A brief functional assessment tool. School Psychology, 34 (5), 531-540. Doi: 10.1037/spq0000325
von der Embse, N.P., Kim, E., Kilgus, S. P., Dedrick, R., & *Sanchez, A. (2019). Multi-informant universal screening: Evaluation of rater, item, and construct variance with a trifactor model. Journal of School Psychology, 77, 52-66. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2019.09.005
von der Embse, N.P., Rutherford, L., *Mankin, A., & *Jenkins, A. (2019). Implementation of a trauma-informed assessment to intervention model in a large urban school district. School Mental Health, 11, 276-279. doi: 10.1007/s12310-018-9294-z
von der Embse, N., & *Francis, G., (2021, December 10). Integrating Mental Health Supports at Tier I and II [Virtual presentation]. 2021 New Jersey Association of School Psychology.
*Francis, G., *Goodhue, B., *Mennes, H., *Ross, D., *Khallaghi, S., & von der Embse (2021, August 12). Development of a Risk Identification Training for Early Childhood Educators [Virtual poster presentation]. 2021 American Psychological Association.
*Sanchez, A., & von der Embse, N. (Summer 2021). Do mental health awareness trainings work: Outcomes and future directions [Virtual Poster Series]. National Association for School Psychologists, United States.
*Sanchez, A. & von der Embse (2021, April 9) Youth Mental Health First Aid: Evidence, Applications, and Future Directions [Poster presentation]. Virtual Graduate Student Research Symposium Annual Conference, Tampa, Fl, United States.
*Latimer, J. D., *Sanchez, A. M., von der Embse, N., Suldo, S. M., *Salvatore, C., Hite, R. E., *Goodhue, B. A., & *Francis, G. C. (2021, February). Creating sustainable integrated mental health supports through consultation [Recorded conference paper presentation]. 2021 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Virtual.
Castillo, J., Hanson, P., Gray, J., & *Sanchez, A. (2021, February 23-26). School psychology training programs: Socialization, oppression, and marginalized students [Conference Session]. National Association for School Psychologists Annual Conference, United States.
*Jenkins, A., *Sanchez, A., & von der Embse, N. (2021, February 23-26). Informant discrepancy within universal screening in predicting distal outcomes [Conference Session]. National Association for School Psychologists Annual Conference, United States.
*Latimer, J., *Sanchez, A., von der Embse, N., Suldo, S., *Salvatore, C., *Francis, G., & *Graff, T. (2021, February 23-26). Creating sustainable integrated mental health supports through consultation [Conference Session]. National Association for School Psychologists Annual Conference, United States.
*Sanchez, A., & von der Embse, N. (2021, February 23-26). Do mental health awareness trainings work: Outcomes and future directions [Poster Session]. National Association for School Psychologists Annual Conference, United States.
von der Embse, N., *Latimer, J., *Sanchez, A., *Francis, G., & *Salvatore, C. (2021, January 29). Creating Sustainable Tier I and Tier II Mental Health Supports [Virtual presentation]. 2021 National Association of School Psychology.
*Latimer, J., von der Embse, N., *Sanchez, A., Suldo, S., *Salvatore, C., *Francis, G., & Graff, T. (2020, December 4). Creating sustainable Tier I and Tier II mental health supports [Conference Session]. David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching Conference, United States.
*Sanchez, A., *Latimer, J., *Francis, G., *Salvatore, C., & von der Embse, N. (2020, December 3). Creating Sustainable Tier I and Tier II Mental Health Supports [Virtual presentation]. 2020 Reimagining Education Virtual Conference.
*Sanchez, A., Latimer, J., von der Embse, N., & Suldo, S. (2020, October 29). Creating sustainable Tier I and Tier II mental health supports [Conference Session]. Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, United States.
Turner, E., Hewitt, A., Mercado, A., Blake, J., *Sanchez, A., Vance, T., Corby, A. (2020, August 8). Leveraging Science: Engaging in Advocacy to Promote Social and Emotional Development Among Youth [Roundtable session]. Association of Psychology Annual Conference, Washington, D.C, United States.
*Sanchez, A., *Latimer, J., von der Embse, N., Suldo, D., & *Goodhue, B. (2020, February). Youth Mental Health First Aid: Evidence, applications, and future directions [Conference paper presentation]. 2020 Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Baltimore, MD, United States.
*Peet, C., *Meyer, L., *Durango, S., *Reynolds, F., *Francis, G., von der Embse, N., Kilgus, S., & Eklund, K. (2020, February). Educator Training to Support Tier 2 Behavioral Intervention Selection [Poster presentation]. 2020 National Association of School Psychology, Baltimore, MA, United States.
*Sanchez, A., *Latimer, J., *Morgan, M., *Scarimbolo, K., *Jenkins. A., & von der Embse (February 2020). Youth-Mental Health First Aid: Evidence, Applications, and Future Directions. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Baltimore, MD.
*Morgan, M., *Jenkins., A., West., G., & von der Embse (February, 2020). Comparing Teacher and Student Risk in Predicting Student Math Outcome. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Baltimore, MD.
*Jenkins, A., & von der Embse, N. (February, 2020). Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Universal Screening. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Baltimore, MD.
*Jenkins, A., & von der Embse, N. (November, 2019). An Evaluation of the Cost Effectiveness of Universal Screening. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of School Psychologists, St. Augustine, FL.
*Morgan, M., *Jenkins, A., West, G., & von der Embse (November, 2019). Predicting Student Math Outcomes: Comparing Teacher and Student Risk. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of School Psychologists, St. Augustine, FL.
*Peet, C.; *Thoman, S.; von der Embse, N. (February, 2019) Improving Universal Screening with Multi-Informant Decision-Making.
Presentation at the National Association for School Psychologists Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Kilgus, S., von der Embse, N.; Eklund, K.; *Taylor, C., *Demarchena, S.; *Peet, C. (February, 2019) ISP-Function: A Brief Tool for FBA at Tier 2. Presentation at the National Association for School Psychologists Conference, Atlanta, GA.
von der Embse, N., *Peet, C.; *Jenkins, A. (October 2018) A Multi-Tiered Decision-Making Framework for Emotional and Behavioral Health.
Presentation at the annual Florida Association of School Psychologists Conference, Orlando, FL.
*Shakir, A., *Jenkins A., *Tanaka, M., & *Wingate, E. (October, 2018). Becoming “Woke”; Tips for Starting the Conversation on Social Justice. Small group presentation at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of School Psychologists, Orlando, FL.
*Jenkins, A. & von der Embse, N. (August, 2018). Reducing Mental Health Problems Among School-Aged Youth. Poster presentation at the
annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Blue ribbon winning poster; Division 16.
*Thoman, S.; *Peet, C.; *Jenkins, A.; von der Embse, N. (July, 2018) Improving Universal Screening With Multi-Informant Decision Making.
Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Blue ribbon winning poster; Division 16.Policy Brief
*Sanchez, A. & von der Embse, N. (2020). "Stress, Wellbeing, and Support for Students & School Staff." Policy Brief. 4. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/anchin_policy_brief/4
Lab Alumni
On Internship
- Dorie Ross, Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium (ISPIC)
- Austin Cole, Pinellas County Public Schools
- Brandon Budzisch, Ed.S., Pinellas County Public Schools
- Hannah Mennes, Pinellas County Public Schools
- Tegan Graff, Marion County Public Schools
- Casie Peet, Ph.D., Pinellas County Public Schools
- Courtney DeForest-Williams, Ed.S., Pasco County Public Schools
- Sarahy Durango, Ed.S., Wisconsin Public Schools
- Briana Chin, Miami-Dade Public Schools
- Faith Reynolds, Private Practice Chicago
- Mikayla Drymond, Ed.S., Pinellas County Public Schools
- Andrew Jenkins, Ed.S., Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
- Sarah Thoman, Ph.D., Pinellas County Public Schools
- Ali Simons, Ed.S., Duval County Public Schools
- Gabrielle Francis, Northern Illinois University
- Alexis Sanchez, University of Wisconsin Whitewater
Featured: Lab Alumni
RAISE Lab Alumni Highlights
Gabrielle Francis, Ph.D.
Gabrielle recently finished her internship at the Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium (ISPIC). Gabrielle is from Trinidad and Tobago, and served as the project lead for the Early Childhood subgroup operating within the RAISE Lab. She attended the University of Delaware, where she received her BA in Psychology with minors in Women's Studies and Human Development and Family Services. After graduating in 2018, she spent her gap year working with the Trinidad and Tobago Children's Authority. Gabrielle's research interests broadly included teacher wellbeing, culturally responsive interventions, school-community partnerships, and positive psychology. In her spare time, she enjoyed writing (she had written and self-published a book on Amazon!), exercising, and reading. Gabby was excited about her work in this lab due to the skills and confidence that she was building, which would help her in her later career. In her free time, Gabby enjoys reading, writing, and running.
Austin Cole, M.A.
Austin is currently on internship in Pinellas County School District. He completed a B.A. in Theology at Southern Adventist University in 2011, and an M.S. in Counseling-School Counseling in 2014. Prior to joining the School Psychology program at USF, Austin spent several years serving students as a School Counselor in a local Florida school district. Austin's research interests include access to accelerated curricula for underrepresented populations, positive psychology, suicide prevention, and school threat management. Austin enjoys his work in the RAISE lab due to being able to partner with local school districts to implement best practices while researching and improving the best practices. In his free time, Austin enjoys drinking coffee, cheering on the Tampa Bay Lightning, and spending time with his family.
Dorie Ross, M.A.
Dorie is on internship at the Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium (ISPIC). Dorie completed her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is also in the process of completing her BCBA certification under the supervision of Dr. Evan Dart. Dorie completed a thesis examining the relationship between rates of community violence and rates of threat assessments in schools. Her research interests include universal screening for social-emotional concerns, behavioral threat assessment, suicide prevention, and mental health stigma. Dorie is excited to participate in the RAISE lab because she enjoys being involved in so many different projects across various research areas. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends, painting, and baking
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